Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Starting the Job Search

As many of you know, I was laid-off from Stainmaster Carpet on December 1, 2008.
In as much as the company tried to prepare us with October's meeting and a discussion of the P & L, you always hope in you mind that it won't be you or that the economy would change before a RIF (reduction in force) would be needed.
I was as kindly laid-off as possible and fully understand that it came to my immediate bosses so swiftly from "above" that they were unable to buffer the act for me. I want to thank them for their compassion and caring. I know they had no input in the decision.

So I have started this new process almost completely in the dark. What happened to the "job search" since I last had to look??? Well folks, it is almost all on- line and if not on- line, then it is through networking. What a "Brave New World" Aldous Huxley!
I have been utilizing the options and classes and computers at my local Unemployment Office/Career Central here in Albany. It is staffed with wonderful people who are happy to help and make a difference in your ability to move forward. More about them later.

My advice to all in my position is to think electronically. Get your going, look at other sites like for people in your industry (or a new industry), become familiar with the job search engines like, tell everyone you know that you are looking and think creatively. Or at least that is my approach.
So stay tuned and let's see how I do.
Best of luck! Let's stay in touch!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cynthia, I can't believe how fast you started your blog; and you had no idea what to do! Very resourcefull for sure. I will put a link on my blog. I am anxious to know how you do. Good luck with your blog, it's good! Lisbeth
